Posts from the ‘Short Necklace’ Category

The Altitude of Your Attitude

An ATTITUDE can be defined as…

A positive or negative evaluation of people, objects, event, activities, ideas,


just about anything in your environment.


Attitude 1 - 21-1-2013

Humans evaluate the acceptability of behavior using social norms and regulate behavior by means of social control.

According to moral values, human behavior may also depend upon the common, usual, unusual, acceptable or unacceptable behavior of others. 


Attitude 2 - 21-1-2013

It is time for some numbers crunching, my dear lovely souls out there reading this post 😀

If A=1, B=2, C=3 and so on…

Match the number equivalent to each letter that forms the word ‘Attitude’ and sum them up.

You will be able to understand why our attitude is playing such an important role in our life.


“Your attitude, not your aptitude, will determine your altitude.” 
~ Zig Ziglar


Do drop us a comment and tell us the altitude of your attitude (after doing the summing).

Have fun doing the numbers crunching and have a great day ahead!

Till then,

Cheers and TTFN~


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A Thankful Cloud Says…



‘I love you because I need you.’


‘I need you because I love you.’

~ Erich Fromm

I’ve received a notification for our 2nd year with WP during last week but I had to give it a miss on that day due to my health condition.  After resting for almost two weeks, hopefully I am able to get back to whatever I’ve left behind.

This is another song sharing post since my mind decided to play out this song out of the blue (I was not even reading or watching anything related to romance…LOL).

I’ve gotten to know this oldie from a Korean drama “The Last Dance” many years ago and was immediately attracted by its tune and lyrics.

Hope all you lovely souls out there enjoy this sweet song and thank you so much for sharing your wonderful love with us for the past two years.



Till then,

Have a wonderful Monday ahead, always!

Cheers & TTFN~ 😀

Our Fimo Nail Art Decor

Handcraft Jewelry Banner

The Reason Behind Your Smile + Your Favourite Christmas Song Part 7


Allow me to be the reason behind your smile ~ unknown

CUTENESS is usually characterized by some combination of infant-like physical traits, especially small body size with a disproportionately large head, large eyes, a pleasantly fair, though not necessarily small nose, dimples, and round and softer body features.

I Luv Puppy

Konrad Lorenz argued in 1949 that infantile features triggered nurturing responses in adults and that this was an evolutionary adaptation which helped ensure that adults cared for their children, ultimately securing the survival of the species.ID-10079461

As evidence, Lorenz noted that humans react more positively to animals that resemble infants—with big eyes, big heads, shortened noses, etc.—than to animals that do not.


The gender of a person can determine their perception of the difference in cuteness.

In a study by Spengelmeyer et al.(2009) it suggests that women were more sensitive to small differences in cuteness than the same aged men.

This suggests that reproductive hormones in women are important for determining cuteness.


The widely perceived cuteness of domesticated animals, such as dogs and cats, may be due to the fact that humans selectively breed their pets for infant-like characteristics, including non-aggressive behavior and childlike appearance.

Studies have also shown that responses to cuteness—and to facial attractiveness in general—seem to be similar across and within cultures.

The phenomenon is not restricted to humans. The young of many mammal and bird species share a similar set of typical physical proportions, beyond absolute body size, that distinguish them from adults of their own species.


In the recent finding of a juvenile Triceratops skull, one journalist suggested its features, which included “a shortened face and big eyes”, were “probably as cute as a button – at least to its mother”.

Read more at:

The word cute is pronounced as ‘ke ai’ (可爱) in Mandarin.

Sadly, there was a period of time when people had misused these two words by calling females ‘ke ai’ but actually meant ‘ke lian mei ren ai‘  (怜没人爱 – You are pitiful because nobody loves you).

怜 (ke lian) – pitiful

没人 (mei ren) – nobody

 (ai) – Love

Fortunately I’ve not been hearing this cruel joke nowadays, so GOOD RIDDANCE!!!

Now, for the ‘Your Favourite Christmas Song‘ section, we’ve another lovely soul, Tessa William, who has the same  favourite Christmas song as Findthedetails (posted in Part 5 ) —  Fairy Tale of New York.  

Since the first song was actually a video provided by the lovely soul him/herself, I will have another YouTube video, in this case, the link, dedicated specially for Tessa as the video just wouldn’t appear in this post… 😦

Fairytale of New York – Ronan Keating and Moya Brennan

Hope you all enjoy this post.

Till then,

Cheers & TTFN~ 😀

Our Fimo Nail Art Decor

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I Believe

The above twit was up on the day I received a shocking news that the bulk order for the school fund raising was cancelled due to some unforeseen circumstances.

Just a week before the news, I was given instructions about the packing of the items.

Was I disappointed with the news?

I am not a saint, of course I was.

Wondering how something that seems so affirm at first can just collapse without any warning?

Alas…isn’t that what life is all about?

“Don’t cry because it’s over, smile because it happened.” 
― Dr. Seuss

  Though I may not have received any monetary gain from this cancelled order…

At the end of the day, I realized that I’ve gained much more.

Those constructive feedback  received whenever I’ve had my items sent to them for evaluation have really helped me a lot.

I truly believe that everything happens for a reason.

Without the boost of motivation from this bulk order…

I wouldn’t be able to create all these and they are now available at our online store.

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Without the boost of motivation from this bulk order…

I would not have sold out the following items…

Without the boost of motivation from this bulk order…

I wouldn’t have created the following items which will be listed  in our online store very soon.

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 You build on failure.

You use it as a stepping stone.

Close the door on the past.

You don’t try to forget the mistakes, but you don’t dwell on it.

You don’t let it have any of your energy, or any of your time, or any of your space.

~ Johnny Cash 

 Click to visit the original post

Last but not least,

Without the big boost of motivation from all you lovely souls out there…

Clouds N Cups’ Beads N Pieces would not have existed!

Do you believe everything happens for reason?


Have a great day ahead, always!

Till then,

Cheers & TTFN~ 😀

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Credits: Some lovely pictures found in this post are downloaded from

Be Beautiful…Always!

26072013 - A Flower Will Always Be Beautiful...

The above two flowers — from some previous arrangements — were brought back by Lovable Mum while she was changing new flowers at one of our H.Q.s for some new occasions.

She would never waste a flower in her arrangement and thus these two flowers were being ‘recycled’ by her,  along with some other flowers so that they can be further admired by her lovable children (i.e. Bro, Baby Sis and Yours Truly…LOL).

Though I have no talent in flower arrangement, I am being blessed and motivated by many lovely souls out there and I am glad to be able to come out with the following creations which are now available at our online shop:



The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched

They must be felt with the heart

~ Helen Keller

Let's Play - Home Sweet Home

We’ve another lovely contribution, this time, by a lovely soul – Pinkgoeswithanything – to be shared out on this lovely Friday!

She has managed to locate all the 10 factors

ヽ(´▽`)/ Yay!!! ヽ(´▽`)/

And the following would be what she thinks the most important factor in order to transform her home into a


Let's Play - Home Sweet Home 2 - Pinkgoeswithanything - Humour

 A big thank you to Pinkgoeswithanything for joining in the fun and sharing her love with us.


We do look forward to receive more lovely contributions from all lovely souls out there soon!

Since Pinkgoeswithanything did mention that if we don’t laugh at least once a day, it would be a day wasted.

Have you already had your first laugh of the day, especially on this lovely Friday?

If you have not, here’s a video by my favourite Hoops & Yoyo to express our sincere gratitude to all the lovely souls out there who have been with us all these while. 😀

Have a great Friday and wonderful weekend ahead, always!

Till then,

Cheers & TTFN~ 😀

Our Fimo Nail Art Decor

Credits: All cute and lovely pictures found in this post are downloaded from

Let’s Play: Quote Of The Day (13-2-2013)

If You Judge - 13-2-2013
The above quote is the answer to our first puzzle dated 10th Feb 2013, but I guess you’ve already known it by now…lol… 

After our Chinese New Year, I will revert to my usual blogging but I will include a puzzle post (will try to make it more interesting in the future rather than just finding  the quote) in between, perhaps once a week or once in every two week?

Let us know how often do you prefer and if you have any good suggestions, don’t hesitate to let us know.

Since we are getting quite a few positive feedback about this game (thank you….muahkkk~), here’s our second puzzle quote.

Quote of the Day Puzzle 2 - 13-2-2013

Level Of Difficulty: Medium

  • This quote contains 9 words (including the name of the quote’s owner)

Since Valentine’s Day is around the corner; try finding the number of ‘love‘ inside this puzzle and let us know how many ‘love’ you’ve found.

We will disclosure the answer (the number of ‘Love’)  in our next quote puzzle post.

In the meantime, do have fun in finding your love.

Till then,

Cheers & TTFN~ 😀

How Much Is That Poodle On The Table? The Answer Is Priceless.

Dogs have lived and worked, in addition to their roles as companions to humans, earned them the unique nickname, “MAN’S BEST FRIEND”.

A Dog - 8-2-2013

Have you ever wonder where the old saying, “A man’s best friend is his dog, came from?

In 1821, a US newspaper appeared in print in The New-York Literary Journal, Volume 4:

The faithful dog – why should I strive 

To speak his merits, while they live 

In every breast, and man’s best friend 

Does often at his heels attend.

In 1870, a farmer in Warrensburg, Missouri by the name of Charles Burden, whose favorite hound, Old Drum, was shot by a neighbor & brother-in-law, Leonidas Hornsby. 

Hornsby had sworn to shoot the first sheep-killing dog that came onto his land and carried out his threat when one night a dog was found prowling in his yard.

That dog was Old Drum.

Man's best friend

A statue of Old Drum, as the deceased beast was called, stands outside the town’s courtroom.

Picture extracted from:

Senator George Graham Vest won a court battle and the hearts of dog lovers everywhere when he paid his famous tribute – The Eulogy to The Dog –  to Old Drum in his closing argument during this Burden vs. Hornsby court case in Warrensburg.

The award of $50 in damages to Burden for the loss of his favorite hunting dog was upheld.

While no record was kept of the last half of Vest’s tribute to a dog, the first portion has fortunately been preserved. It was this speech that originated the saying, “A man’s best friend is his dog.”

The Dog Eulogy - Part 1

First Part

The Dog Eulogy - Part 2

Second Part

Sadly for the Warrensburg Tourist Board,  Senator Vest didn’t originate the phrase, but he may have read it from the newspaper in 1821.

Read more at:

Last but not least, here’s

a big thank you to all the lovely souls who wanted to know what’s inside the wrapped gift.

A Nanoblock Poodle

Do have a great Friday and a wonderful weekend ahead!

Till then,

Cheers & TTFN~


Your Favourite Christmas Song – Wrapping Up

How can we miss out ‘Silent Night’ on a Christmas eve?

This is exactly why we are glad that it is Beautyofsimplycity‘s favourite Christmas song and she is sporting enough to respond even though she doesn’t celebrate Christmas in her country — see, that is the true spirit of sharing!!

With this song, we are actually wrapping up the ‘What is Your Favourite Christmas Song‘ thingy.

It is really fun posting all the songs because we’ve never expected any respond in the first place and once again we would like to thank the following lovely souls for enriching this humble blog of ours for responding:

littlepoppits fun ideas for you and your poppits

Fashion Mayan

chocolatelady555 ~ love bites from the chocolate lady

egghead23 ~ thoughts about the book on my shelf

Dieu, Obviously ~ the home of vintage, homemade and organic gigs

rabbitcancook ~ a recipe of sharing & bento blog



Bridgitte Raven

findthedetails ~ interiors news and finishing touches for homes

K ~ wondering, musings, motherhood and more…

Teasa Williams

beautyofsimplycity ~ Words, pictures, drawings -randomness anyone?

Of course, we would like to give a BIG BIG THANKS for all those lovely souls who had liked and commented on these posts!! 😀

For those lovely souls who have just stumbled upon this post and not wanting to miss out any fun, here are the links of our ‘Your Favourite Christmas Song‘ links:

What’s Your Favourite Christmas Song?

Your Favourite Christmas Song – Part 1

Your Favourite Christmas Song – Part 2

Our Facebook Page + Your Favourite Christmas Song – Part 3

Grow Your Moustache and Grow Your Heart 

(Including Part 4 of Your Favourite Christmas Song)

Your Favourite Christmas Song – Part 5

More Sharing + Your Favourite Christmas Song – Part 6

The Reason Behind Your Smile + Your Favourite Christmas Song Part 7

Here are the jewelry pieces featured in some of the mentioned posts:


We do hope there will be more of these interactions in the near future and without you lovely souls out there, we won’t be here doing this post.



Before ending this post, I would like to say:


Merry Christmas in advance

Till then,

Have a good Monday & Cheers!! 😀

Our Fimo Nail Art Decor

Handcraft Jewelry Banner

Curiosity has an Alibi…


“Curiosity killed the cat.”

This is a proverb used to warn of dangers of unnecessary investigations or experiments.

Everyone knows that, despite its supposed nine lives, curiosity killed the cat.

Well, not quite.

The earlier form was still in use in 1898, when it was defined in Brewer’s Dictionary of Phrase and Fable:

“Care killed the Cat. It is said that a cat has nine lives, but care would wear them all out.”

By ‘care’ the coiner of the expression meant ‘worry/sorrow’ rather than our more usual contemporary ‘look after/provide for’ meaning.

The earliest printed reference to the original proverb is attributed to the British playwright Ben Jonson in his 1598 play, Every Man in His Humour, which was performed first by William Shakespeare.

In the 1902 edition of Proverbs: Maxims and Phrases, by John Hendricks Bechtel, the phrase “Curiosity killed the cat” is the lone entry under the topic “Curiosity” on page 100.

Read more at:

A cat’s angry soul: You murderer!!!

Curiosity:  I did not commit any murder…NASA can be my alibi…

My last posting was 22nd Sept and I am very sorry about the long absence. Was still busy with setting up our online store and time just slipped by without sounding any alarm…gosh… 😦

Will try to update more since I’ve managed to clear some of the more tedious tasks during this morning.

Till then, hope you enjoy this post…

Cheers & TTFN~ 😀

“L” is for the way you look at me


We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly. 

– Sam Keen, from To Love and Be Loved


The word “love” can have a variety of related but distinct meanings in different contexts. As a general expression of positive sentiment (a stronger form of like), love is commonly contrasted with hate. When discussed in the abstract, love usually refers to interpersonal love, an experience felt by a person for another person.

Love often involves caring for or identifying with a person or thing including oneself. In addition to cross-cultural differences in understanding love, ideas about love have also changed greatly over time.

Love is sometimes referred to as being the “international language”, overriding cultural and linguistic divisions.

Read  more at


Even when there are tons of words describing what love is in the Wikipedia, people still have this tendency to have complications in their love lives.

What should we do to make it simple a bit?

Perhaps…I mean perhaps the following information extracted from might be able to help us in attaining our simple love:

Understanding what each kiss means:

  • Kiss on the forehead – We are cute together.
  • Kiss on the cheek – We are friends.
  • Kiss on the hand – I adore you.
  • Kiss on the neck – I want you, now!
  • Kiss on the shoulder – You are perfect.
  • Kiss on the lips – I LOVE YOU!

Understanding what each gesture means:

  • Holding hands – We definitely like each other.
  • Holding while pressing tightly against one another – I want you!
  • Looking into each other’s eyes – I like you for who you are.
  • Playing with hair – Let’s fool around!
  • Having arms around the waist – I like you too much to let you go!
  • Laughing while kissing – I am completely comfortable with you.

When love turns complicated, make it simple…and here’s a song to share with you~

Have fun reading and hope you enjoy the nice weekend ahead!
