It is really an honour for Clouds N Cups to be able to receive the award nomination for the Blog-Of-The-Year-2013′ from three very lovely souls.

However, before drafting the addressing post for this lovely award nomination, there is a need to dedicate an addressing post to all the lovely souls who have bestowed our two blogs (Share With Us and Be With Us) with many lovely award nominations in which we have yet to address in year 2013...ε=ε=ε=┌(;*´Д`)ノ…sorry…

Just the other day, I’ve stumbled upon a slideshow titled “7 Ways To Say Thank You” from the App of my mobile phone which is very interesting.

Thus, we would love to dedicate this very long post to all those lovely souls using these seven ways of expressing our sincere gratitude:


This small but mighty phrase which dates from the 15th century goes a long way in acknowledging kindness big and small.

The less formal variation ‘Thank’ was often used to mean ‘thought’ or ‘good will’ before it first appeared in one of Shakespeare’s writings.

Thank You 1

sunshine-award(15 June 2013) DE Divah Deals @ Fashion And Fun After Fifty

(28 June 2013) Danaiana @ D-Childhood

sunshine-award (1)(28 August 2013) Mona22 @ 22 Flowers  (for our Clouds N Cups, Be With Us Blog)




This Spanish word for “thank you” shares roots with the English word ‘grace’ in the form of the Latin gratus, which means “pleasing” or “agreeable”.

Thank You 2







To infuse your gratitude with some tropical flavour, try Mahalo, which is a Hawaiian word meaning thanks, gratitude, admiration, praise, esteem, regards, or respects.

According to Wikipedia, some sources support that the meanings “thanks” and “gratitude” were appended to the word following contact with Westerners since early visitors noted that the Hawaiians were generous and grateful people, but had no word to express gratitude or to say “thank you”.

Therefore, though the word mahalo is found in Lorrin Andrews’ 1865 dictionary, the English-Hawaiian section does not provide any Hawaiian word intended to mean gratitude or thanks. 

Thank You 3


Super Sweet Blogger Award

(19 August 2013) dreamwalkeramrita @ The Mobius Strip

light bulb concept

(13 February 2013) Maryam @ Mary Clever!

(24 June 2013) Ajay @ Ajaytao 2010


The easiest phrase of gratitude is domo — an adverb that literally means indeed or very much but can be understood as thank you.  If you want to express a greater-than-normal degree of gratitude, you can use one of the longer, more fully-spelled-out phrases, like Arigatou gozaimasu or Domo arigatou gozaimasu.(

This Japanese term for “thank you” was famously set to music in the 1983 song “Mr. Roboto”, about a rock-and-roll performer disguised as a robot escaping a futuristic prison.

Thank You 4

The Most Creative Blogger Award

Loyal Reader Award

  • (24 June 2013) Ajay @ Ajaytao 2010
  • (12 July 2013) Yoshiko @ Yoshiko (for our Clouds N Cups, Be With Us Blog)


A cousin of the English word mercy, this French word for “thank you” is often paired with ‘beaucoup’ for emphasis.

Another variation is ‘mille fois merci’ which translates literally to “a thousand times thanks” and is akin to the English phrase “thanks a million”.

Thank You 5

  • (4 March 2013) Ajay @ Ajaytao 2010
  • (16 April 2013) Michael S. Fedison @ Eye-Dancers (for our Clouds N Cups, Be With Us Blog)
  • (17 April 2013) Robin @ Witless Dating After Fifty (for our Clouds N Cups, Be With Us Blog)
  • (30 April 2013) Mona22 @ 22 Flowers  (for our Clouds N Cups, Be With Us Blog)
  • (28 June 2013) Danaiana @ D-Childhood
  • (12 July 2013) SerachShiro @ Shiro51144
  • (12 July 2013) Yoshiko @ Yoshiko (for our Clouds N Cups, Be With Us Blog)

  • (18 March 2013) Ajay @ Ajaytao 2010
  • (24 Mayl 2013) Michael S. Fedison @ Eye-Dancers (for our Clouds N Cups, Be With Us Blog)


The perfect solution for the grateful but taciturn, ta is a British colloquialism ushered into the English lexicon by toddlers and it is being described as “the natural infantile sound of gratitude”.

As according to Wiki.answers, it is a slang word for thanks, a result of the heavy Danish influence on the English language. Most people do not realize that the English language roots are really Danish or Jutland.

Thank You 6


Wonderful Team Member Readership Award


Las Vegas crooner Wayne Newton put this German word for “thank you” on the tips of English-speaking tongues with his 1963 hit “Danke Schoen”.

In this expression, “schoen” means “beautifully” in the same way in English. 

The German expression is often translated as “thank you very much” or “thank you kindly”.

Thank You 7


award(18 September 2013) Tienny The @ The Artworks Of Tienny The

miraclebloggeraward(18 September 2013) Tienny The @ The Artworks Of Tienny The

reader-app-award_thumb(18 September 2013) Tienny The @ The Artworks Of Tienny The


(26 November 2013) Robin @ Witless Dating After Fifty (for our Clouds N Cups, Be With Us Blog)

Click to visit the original post

Make it a habit to tell people thank you.

To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return.

Truly appreciate those around you, and you’ll soon find many others around you.

Truly appreciate life, and you’ll find that you have more of it.

~ Ralph Marston 

Last but not least, since I am a Chinese…

Thank You 8

Have a great day and thankful day ahead, always!

Till then,

Cheers & TTFN~ 😀

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