(Extracted from “Message From God”)

Don’t be discouraged by what seem like dead ends.

Every moment in your life carries infinite possibilities, just waiting to be discovered.

 Like a vine finding its way even through the slightest openings in rock solid walls.


During a week or two before, I’ve once again received lovely souls leaving us comments for a quiz re-blog – What do You Want In Life.

Since this quiz was re-blogged during the earlier days when we were not surrounded by so many lovely souls; we will take this opportunity to re-play it:


Life is full of possibilities! What do you want in life?


 Do share with us what you want in life by leaving the 3 words that you’ve found in the comment section.


For all the lovely souls who would like to take this game into the next level, here’s how the game is played for Part 2:

  • First, you will need to spot the  3 words from the word puzzle.
  • Among the 3 words, you can choose one of the words and write out a 4-line poem related to the word that you’ve chosen.
  • You can either choose to e-mail us the 3 words + your poem ( or leave it at the comment section of this post.
  • Do remember to let us know the ‘word’ that you are using and not to forget the title of your poem.
  • As we are still not sure how good the response of this game would be, we will first set a limit to the first 10 received poem submissions.
  • Once we’ve collected 10 entries, we will upload all the 10 poems for sharing purpose.
  • The winner will be selected by the 10 contestants themselves after all the 10 poems have been uploaded. 

  • We can always hold a second round if everyone thinks this is fun to play. So, do let us know after this, okay? 😀

From the past few ‘Let’s Play’ sessions, we’ve realized that the instructions were not given very clearly and thus some lovely souls were clueless of what to do and so this time round, I shall get the ball rolling first:

The first 3 words that I see in the puzzle


And I’ve chosen the word ‘Friend’ for my poem entry

04172013 - The Ship

The poem entries will be presented in the above format for the voting sessions. You don’t have to copy this format, all you need to do is to submit the wordings and we will take care of the design.

Join In the Fun And You Might Get To Adopt One Of The Fairies From Our “Fairy Tale Reborn Collection” 

There are only two ways to live your life.

One is as though nothing is a miracle.

The other is as though everything is a miracle.

~Albert Einstein

If you are interested in taking part and still having questions, don’t hesitate to let us know.

Have fun!

Till then,

Cheers & TTFN~
